Alright well this week was really great! We did some good things this week. On Tuesday we had a lesson with another one of Jésus´s friends. We met him at the church and we definitely had a weird experience. He shows up and he has a HUGE beard, it was so big and he had one section greased down and it went all the way down to his belly button. (It was a different color than the other part of his beard so it may have been an extension but anyway super weird). But he starts talking to us and he seemed really normal and we actually had a really good first lesson. But maybe after 25-30 minutes into the lesson he just starts going off about conspiracy theories way randomly. He goes "Have you ever noticed that the church has a black cross, the hospital has a red cross, and the pharmacy has a green cross. They have to be connected somehow!" Then just went off about his conspiracy theory about how they are connected and how are there are people above the governent that control everything. So after that rant I think we just ended the lesson haha because he went off for a long time. The best thing he said though was when we were talking after the lesson was over he says "True religion to me is waking up naked in the morning in the woods and kneeling down and praying to God."
This week we started family home evenings in the branch where we bring investigators to the houses of the members and we wanted to see if that could get the branch excited and it´s a way for the branch to be involved in the missionary work. This week we took Stephanie and Luigi to our branch mission leader Heberson´s house. It was a real success!! They got along great and I feel like it went really well.
Yesterday was stake conference so the branch got together and rented a bus to go to sevilla. It was about an hour bus ride and almost all the active members went so it was a great turnout by the members! Stake conference was really good. One of the stake president´s counselours was a little low on sugar during his talk and just passed out right up there in front of everyone. Lucily the other counselour ran up and caught him before he hit the ground. It definitely freaked a lot of people out.
After stake conference Elder Turley and I ended up staying in Sevilla. He is going home next week and there is a bunch of cool sites to see here in Sevilla. So we got permission to stay here Sunday and spend our p-day up here in Sevilla. So that´s why I´m writing in the morning because this afternoon we´ll be cite seeing and taking a train home. But it was a great week and the mission really is just a blast.