We also started teaching a guy from Honduras named Roger. He is 24 and he´s studying here in Córdoba for the next year or so and we found him looking for someone that we contacted earlier that week. He´s been to our church in his country a few times and he really interested in our message. We taught him the restoration so we´ll see what happens there!
Also I had a crazy experience this week. So Friday morning we went to visit an investigator named Ignacio. He´s a Spaniard in his upper 40´s who´s been in the hospital a lot lately and we haven´t seen him so we went to his house to check up on him. A Nigerian women - who aparently was his girlfriend I´m really curious to know how that happened - let us in the apartment and she told us he was sleeping in his room. As we go in to his room he was on his bed but he definitely wasn´t sleeping.. He... Well... Uh... Yeah he was dead. So we called the ambulance and we had to call around first because no one there knew what the ambulance´s number was. So when we got it we called the ambulance and they were "busy" and told us to call the local police. Way to be Spain! So officers came over and eventually the ambulance came and everything got under control. There´s a bunch of weird/graphic details that I´m not going to write home but I´ll just leave it was a crazy experience.
Anyways got to love the mission! So transers this week I´m staying here in Córdoba for my 4th transfer and my new companion his going to be Elder Durfey! I don´t know too much about him so we´ll see how it goes. And also they combined my area with the other area in Córdoba. The city used to be split in half but now it´ll just be me and my comp, 40 active members, and 200,000 other people that need to hear the gospel. WO LET´S GO!
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