9 October 2015
Dear Elder Daniel Gerald Stephens,
Congratulations on your new assignment as a trainer in the Spain Málaga Mission! This is a very special calling and I have confidence in your ability and desire to influence and properly prepare a new missionary to succeed in the mission.
As a trainer you have great responsibility to help your companion adjust to the mission schedule, be obedient to mission rules and gain the vision of missionary work. Help your companion to have confidence in his/her ability to learn, teach and baptize.
The focus of his/her training should include:
1. SPIRITUALITY. Teach habits of obedience and preparedness so that he/she can be worthy of having the constant companionship of the Holy Ghost and be a spiritual missionary.
2. PREACH MY GOSPEL. Teach your companion how to become a Master Teacher. Teach how to set and achieve personal goals (daily and weekly planning) as well as having companionship study. Review the principles taught in this manual every day, especially in your companionship study.
3. FINDING. Teach your companion the skills needed to find the elect and honest in heart who are ready to hear your testimonies of the Savior and His restored Church. Teach him how to prepare the members and investigators to help you meet others who may be interested in hearing the gospel. Help him to love and be friendly with the people of this great country.
4. TEACHING. Prepare your companion to teach with skill and confidence under the influence and power of the Holy Ghost. Help him master the lessons and always let him participate in the discussion.
5. BAPTIZING. We are here to teach repentance, to testify and to baptize. Teach your companion what is needed to bring souls to Christ. Show them positive feelings and faith. The Holy Spirit will be perceived by investigators as they put their trust in the Lord and you. Positive feelings represent the presence of the Holy Ghost and by their continued faith and trust in the Lord, their testimonies of the truthfulness of the gospel will continue to grow.
Remember that you have been called to serve as a trainer. This is a sacred calling and trust. These new missionaries come to the mission with a special spark and enthusiasm for the work. It is your responsibility to help them find their strengths so that they can better achieve their potential. New missionaries have often expressed their joy, appreciation and even reverence for the enthusiasm and dedication demonstrated by their trainers.
I am absolutely confident that you will play an important role in the life of your new companion. It will be your responsibility to help mold him/her into a true servant of the Lord Jesus Christ. Do all you can to live worthy of the guidance and promptings of the Holy Spirit. You have my support and trust and I know that the Lord loves you and is confident in your ability to succeed.
T. DarVel Andersen
President, Spain Málaga Mission
Sunday, October 11, 2015
Hello! So finally finished the best month in a half with my boy from
Canada Elder Lowry. It was such a fun transfer. We called it a "6
week interchange" because it's basically all just a big blur and we
were just running all over the place haha. So Monday night the
Columbian investigators and some cool members we all went out to eat
(tapear). It was sad to say good by to people I had gotten so close
with but it won't be a good bye for forever I'm sure.
So Tuesday morning I left to Malaga and got to meet my new trainee!
And guess what he's from Holiday Utah haha. He just graduated from
Cottonwood high school his name is Elder Samuel Hirst. He's a way
cool guy! He is tall and super skinny. I'm going to get him on this
work out (body beast!) plan and we're going to go to a fitness store
and by some protein and stuff haha. He's super smart he was valid
Victorian and sterling scholar and all that. He speaks pretty well for
a noobie but he doesn't understand anything just yet haha. It's weird
training and reopening an area because the first week I feel like I
was kind of worried more about learning the area and stuff.
But Cadiz is SOOO pretty!! It's one of the oldest cities in Europe and
our apartment is right in the middle of the old part haha so it's fun.
Cadiz is basically a little island and the streets are SO small. When
you get lost in the middle you just take a street and keep walking
until you get to the end of the island haha. But everyone here in
Cadiz talks super fast it's a little hard to adjust but I can
understand everything. It's kind of weird because the word for "dude"
or "bro" here is they say swear words. It's literally just not
offensive here. People told me that but I didn't believe but yep
contact a guy and he replies "hey what's up ******" I'll probably get
used to it and maybe start calling other people stuff who knows haha.
Well Cadiz is probably the prettiest area in the mish so I got super
lucky! Literally all of my areas have been really pretty. But the ward
here is supposed to be really good so I'm way excited!
Elder Stephens
Canada Elder Lowry. It was such a fun transfer. We called it a "6
week interchange" because it's basically all just a big blur and we
were just running all over the place haha. So Monday night the
Columbian investigators and some cool members we all went out to eat
(tapear). It was sad to say good by to people I had gotten so close
with but it won't be a good bye for forever I'm sure.
So Tuesday morning I left to Malaga and got to meet my new trainee!
And guess what he's from Holiday Utah haha. He just graduated from
Cottonwood high school his name is Elder Samuel Hirst. He's a way
cool guy! He is tall and super skinny. I'm going to get him on this
work out (body beast!) plan and we're going to go to a fitness store
and by some protein and stuff haha. He's super smart he was valid
Victorian and sterling scholar and all that. He speaks pretty well for
a noobie but he doesn't understand anything just yet haha. It's weird
training and reopening an area because the first week I feel like I
was kind of worried more about learning the area and stuff.
But Cadiz is SOOO pretty!! It's one of the oldest cities in Europe and
our apartment is right in the middle of the old part haha so it's fun.
Cadiz is basically a little island and the streets are SO small. When
you get lost in the middle you just take a street and keep walking
until you get to the end of the island haha. But everyone here in
Cadiz talks super fast it's a little hard to adjust but I can
understand everything. It's kind of weird because the word for "dude"
or "bro" here is they say swear words. It's literally just not
offensive here. People told me that but I didn't believe but yep
contact a guy and he replies "hey what's up ******" I'll probably get
used to it and maybe start calling other people stuff who knows haha.
Well Cadiz is probably the prettiest area in the mish so I got super
lucky! Literally all of my areas have been really pretty. But the ward
here is supposed to be really good so I'm way excited!
Elder Stephens
What a week! We had the opportunity to do many things! Last p-day we
went to the famous Alhambra in Granada. It was our whole p-day, we got
up at 6, traveled for 2 hours, got there and looked at it and it is
HUGE! It took a few hours to look at all! Then traveled home and p-day
was over haha. But it was so awesome! I'll send pics of course haha.
So I received a call Friday night from President Andersen saying that
I'm going to train! I'm going to re-open the area in a city called
Cadiz! I was super sad when he called me saying that I was leaving but
know I'm pretty excited to get to know another city. It's so sad that
I'm leaving this area though because I've gotten so close to the
people here especially the family of Darren. It was awesome to be
able to see Daren baptized but I wanted to see the whole family! I'm
thinking they'll all get baptized in this next transfer! Just need a
little push haha.
But I'm excited for Cadiz! It's a city right on the beach but on the
other side of Spain. The city is really pretty and they have a crazy
accent I've heard so we'll see.
So Darren got confirmed yesterday and it was awesome! Rosario liked it
a lot, she should be baptized in no time haha. They just found out
that his little brother Christian has pneumonia like 3 days ago so
that's pretty sketchy. Also Emi and her kids came to church and also
Kristel and her mom so it was a successful last Sunday!
I have loved my time in Almería! It's crazy to think that when I got
here there was literally no work. They say that there are people
prepared just for you when you go on the mission. I was sent to
Almería to find Darren and his family. God has given them this chance
to get to know the gospel and I hope they all take advantage. I would
love to see this family sealed in the holy temple!
Love you all! Elder Stephens
went to the famous Alhambra in Granada. It was our whole p-day, we got
up at 6, traveled for 2 hours, got there and looked at it and it is
HUGE! It took a few hours to look at all! Then traveled home and p-day
was over haha. But it was so awesome! I'll send pics of course haha.
So I received a call Friday night from President Andersen saying that
I'm going to train! I'm going to re-open the area in a city called
Cadiz! I was super sad when he called me saying that I was leaving but
know I'm pretty excited to get to know another city. It's so sad that
I'm leaving this area though because I've gotten so close to the
people here especially the family of Darren. It was awesome to be
able to see Daren baptized but I wanted to see the whole family! I'm
thinking they'll all get baptized in this next transfer! Just need a
little push haha.
But I'm excited for Cadiz! It's a city right on the beach but on the
other side of Spain. The city is really pretty and they have a crazy
accent I've heard so we'll see.
So Darren got confirmed yesterday and it was awesome! Rosario liked it
a lot, she should be baptized in no time haha. They just found out
that his little brother Christian has pneumonia like 3 days ago so
that's pretty sketchy. Also Emi and her kids came to church and also
Kristel and her mom so it was a successful last Sunday!
I have loved my time in Almería! It's crazy to think that when I got
here there was literally no work. They say that there are people
prepared just for you when you go on the mission. I was sent to
Almería to find Darren and his family. God has given them this chance
to get to know the gospel and I hope they all take advantage. I would
love to see this family sealed in the holy temple!
Love you all! Elder Stephens
This week has been busy but great! Darren got baptized!! It was
awesome a member named Francís baptized him and it was solid. Darren
will be the best missionary in a few years. Now we just need to get
his mom and the rest of the fam!! On Monday we had a family home
evening super awesome in the house of the family Peña. Family home
evening is an awesome way to share the gospel! It was so fun and
there was so many people there.
So a member named Naysha has a best friend named Kristel from Ecuador.
She came to a baptism of an eight year old in the ward and also to the
Hawaiian party. She's cool and all but I really didn't think she had
any interest or just thought we were cute and that's why she'd talk to
us haha. I thought that until Friday when I was on intercombios with
the zone leader. We just had left an appointment and we turn the
corner and Kristel was right there so we started talking and then I
asked her if we could talk for like 15 minutes in the park and she
accepted. We then had an awesome lesson about the Holy Ghost and how
it testifies of the truth but then goes away if we don't have the gift
of the Holy Ghost. I didn't even think she was paying attention at the
baptism but she shared how she felt when she was at the church and
when all the family was baring their testimonies. We invited her to be
baptized but she said that it would be too fast and needs to pray and
read to know. It was literally an amazing lesson and I really hope
she does reads and prays because she's going through a crucial time
and really needs the gospel in her life! We are going to have family
home evening with Naysha's family and Kristel tomorrow so we'll see
how it goes!
So Thursday was zone conference and it was amazing! It went like 2
hours overtime but I was ok with it because all of the talks were so
good. One thing I got out of it is for the rest of my mission I'm
always going to have a Book of Mormon in my hands at all times! I
always carry one in my bag but it's better when you carry it by hand
because it's like going to war with a sword in your hand! The Book of
Mormon is our weapon haha. But it was great and I loved it.
Well officially have passed the year mark. Hope all is well at home!
awesome a member named Francís baptized him and it was solid. Darren
will be the best missionary in a few years. Now we just need to get
his mom and the rest of the fam!! On Monday we had a family home
evening super awesome in the house of the family Peña. Family home
evening is an awesome way to share the gospel! It was so fun and
there was so many people there.
So a member named Naysha has a best friend named Kristel from Ecuador.
She came to a baptism of an eight year old in the ward and also to the
Hawaiian party. She's cool and all but I really didn't think she had
any interest or just thought we were cute and that's why she'd talk to
us haha. I thought that until Friday when I was on intercombios with
the zone leader. We just had left an appointment and we turn the
corner and Kristel was right there so we started talking and then I
asked her if we could talk for like 15 minutes in the park and she
accepted. We then had an awesome lesson about the Holy Ghost and how
it testifies of the truth but then goes away if we don't have the gift
of the Holy Ghost. I didn't even think she was paying attention at the
baptism but she shared how she felt when she was at the church and
when all the family was baring their testimonies. We invited her to be
baptized but she said that it would be too fast and needs to pray and
read to know. It was literally an amazing lesson and I really hope
she does reads and prays because she's going through a crucial time
and really needs the gospel in her life! We are going to have family
home evening with Naysha's family and Kristel tomorrow so we'll see
how it goes!
So Thursday was zone conference and it was amazing! It went like 2
hours overtime but I was ok with it because all of the talks were so
good. One thing I got out of it is for the rest of my mission I'm
always going to have a Book of Mormon in my hands at all times! I
always carry one in my bag but it's better when you carry it by hand
because it's like going to war with a sword in your hand! The Book of
Mormon is our weapon haha. But it was great and I loved it.
Well officially have passed the year mark. Hope all is well at home!
Another week on the Lord's errand in the book. So this week we again
saw our Columbian investigators almost everyday. We had a family home
evening with them and one of my favorite families in the ward. I'll
send a pic. It was awesome because we talked a lot about temples and
the family shared their experience of the temple and getting sealed
with their family and how it has changed their lives. It's been way
good involving the members the Columbians basically know everyone in
the church now haha.Oh and also Tuesday Emi made us her version of
Chipotle burritos and hmmm que rico! Cool fact: the mother of Emi and
Rosario lives in Atlanta and she is best friends with the mom of AL
HORTFORD! For those who don't know he is a famous basketball player
for the Atlanta Hawks. They met each other at church and from there
became best friends so my dream is for Rosario and Emi to share the
gospel with their mom and then eventually it'll get to Al Hortford
haha. Joseba before he returned to Spain spent a bunch of time in Al
Hortford's mom's house and got to meet him. But anyway so me and
Elder Lowry get along way good. We are seeing a lot of success and we
found a new family this week so we'll see how it goes. Daren's baptism
will be this Saturday! If we see a miracle his mom will get baptized
the same day with him! She said she wants to be baptized but she
wants to take things slower and kind of delay it off I think haha so
we have a week to help her realize that she needs to do it pero ya!
This week should be super fun because we have a couple family home
evenings planned, zone conference, and most important BAPTISM. I love
being a missionary and I can't believe I'm going to complete a year
this week! Ahh so crazy, anyway love you and always remember to put
God above ALL other things. Nothing is more important than the
Elder Stephens
saw our Columbian investigators almost everyday. We had a family home
evening with them and one of my favorite families in the ward. I'll
send a pic. It was awesome because we talked a lot about temples and
the family shared their experience of the temple and getting sealed
with their family and how it has changed their lives. It's been way
good involving the members the Columbians basically know everyone in
the church now haha.Oh and also Tuesday Emi made us her version of
Chipotle burritos and hmmm que rico! Cool fact: the mother of Emi and
Rosario lives in Atlanta and she is best friends with the mom of AL
HORTFORD! For those who don't know he is a famous basketball player
for the Atlanta Hawks. They met each other at church and from there
became best friends so my dream is for Rosario and Emi to share the
gospel with their mom and then eventually it'll get to Al Hortford
haha. Joseba before he returned to Spain spent a bunch of time in Al
Hortford's mom's house and got to meet him. But anyway so me and
Elder Lowry get along way good. We are seeing a lot of success and we
found a new family this week so we'll see how it goes. Daren's baptism
will be this Saturday! If we see a miracle his mom will get baptized
the same day with him! She said she wants to be baptized but she
wants to take things slower and kind of delay it off I think haha so
we have a week to help her realize that she needs to do it pero ya!
This week should be super fun because we have a couple family home
evenings planned, zone conference, and most important BAPTISM. I love
being a missionary and I can't believe I'm going to complete a year
this week! Ahh so crazy, anyway love you and always remember to put
God above ALL other things. Nothing is more important than the
Elder Stephens
Alright so this week was great! Wednesday we had one of the most
spiritual lessons I've had in the mission with Daren and Rosario.
Daren is way excited to be baptized but Rosario just didn't feel
prepared or I don't know so Wednesday our lesson was focused on
Rosario and inviting her to be baptized. We asked her if Jesus Christ
was here right now would he want her to be baptized and she said yes
and we each took a turn saying a prayer asking if she should be
baptized and the spirit was so strong! The sad part is that she still
denied being baptized on the same date as her son. She said she wants
to be baptized one day but she doesn't feel ready to make a covenant
with Christ... UGH! We'll keep on fight'n for it though! So we had the
baptismal date for Daren for the 12th but we changed it to the 19th
because everyone goes to Granada this Saturday to go to this start of
the school year thing and no one would be able to attend his baptism.
It's still going to happen though! Daren is almost finished with 1
Nephi so he's already doing better than I did when I was 12 haha.
Also Saturday we taught the word of wisdom and Rosario accepted it!
She says that everything but tea she will gladly drop. She loves to
drink tea but it seems like she'll stop drinking that as well.
This week the members fed us so good! Everyday we had an eating
appointment.??????. Emi returned from England and her and her daughter
Lina tried Chipotle for the first time and they freaked out because it
was so good. So Emi is going to try to and replicate it so that's
what I'll be doing this week?? also they bought me a keychain from
London so that's a good sign that they were thinking of the
missionaries when they were on vacation! Emi's other son Joseba who's
been in the United States all summer came back and it was great to
talk to him! He's cool but he needs a lot of work haha.
This Friday we had a missionary activity that basically the hermanas
planned out and it was a huge success!! We had a fiesta Hawaiiana and
it was super fun! We had 7 investigators come (the Columbians and a
few others) so it was great! I'll send pics. Then on Sunday the only
people who came to church was Emi, Daren, and Joseba so one day
hopefully we'll get the whole family to come.
Love you all! Today we're going to go hiking so I'm excited for that??
Elder Stephens
spiritual lessons I've had in the mission with Daren and Rosario.
Daren is way excited to be baptized but Rosario just didn't feel
prepared or I don't know so Wednesday our lesson was focused on
Rosario and inviting her to be baptized. We asked her if Jesus Christ
was here right now would he want her to be baptized and she said yes
and we each took a turn saying a prayer asking if she should be
baptized and the spirit was so strong! The sad part is that she still
denied being baptized on the same date as her son. She said she wants
to be baptized one day but she doesn't feel ready to make a covenant
with Christ... UGH! We'll keep on fight'n for it though! So we had the
baptismal date for Daren for the 12th but we changed it to the 19th
because everyone goes to Granada this Saturday to go to this start of
the school year thing and no one would be able to attend his baptism.
It's still going to happen though! Daren is almost finished with 1
Nephi so he's already doing better than I did when I was 12 haha.
Also Saturday we taught the word of wisdom and Rosario accepted it!
She says that everything but tea she will gladly drop. She loves to
drink tea but it seems like she'll stop drinking that as well.
This week the members fed us so good! Everyday we had an eating
appointment.??????. Emi returned from England and her and her daughter
Lina tried Chipotle for the first time and they freaked out because it
was so good. So Emi is going to try to and replicate it so that's
what I'll be doing this week?? also they bought me a keychain from
London so that's a good sign that they were thinking of the
missionaries when they were on vacation! Emi's other son Joseba who's
been in the United States all summer came back and it was great to
talk to him! He's cool but he needs a lot of work haha.
This Friday we had a missionary activity that basically the hermanas
planned out and it was a huge success!! We had a fiesta Hawaiiana and
it was super fun! We had 7 investigators come (the Columbians and a
few others) so it was great! I'll send pics. Then on Sunday the only
people who came to church was Emi, Daren, and Joseba so one day
hopefully we'll get the whole family to come.
Love you all! Today we're going to go hiking so I'm excited for that??
Elder Stephens
Hola! This week was so awesome! We focused on our Columbian
investigators this week and we saw them every single day this week!
Monday after I finished writing they invited us to go to the Almería
Fería to eat lunch like I said last week and it was way cool because
they invited the Hermanas as well and they paid for all of our
food!!.. Food at the Fería is super expensive so I was
greatful/surprised that they would do that, but it was so fun that
they invited to eat some "tapas"! Then Monday night we had a family
home evening with some members from Ecuador and brought them! Tuesday
night we went and taught Daren (Rosario's kid), Wednesday they came to
English class, Thursday they invited us to eat and they cooked this
chicken soup called Sancocho! It was so good then later Thursday we
had another family home evening and brought them to that. It's crazy
because they have literally come to every single thing we've invited
them to do. Friday Emi and her daughter Lina left to England for a
week so I'll see them later this week. I don't know where are their
money comes from but oh well haha. But there was a baptism of an 8
year old Friday and we invited Rosario and Daren to come and they came
and really liked it! Daren wants to be baptized way bad but Rosario
still feels a little unprepared. Then Saturday Rosario invited us
over and I thought it was just going to be a regular lesson but they
were doing a barbecue and put about 10 pounds of meat on a plate and
gave it to me to eat hahah. It was cool because Rosario's brother and
his family plus a family friend were there so we got to meet and talk
with them. Sunday Rosario and Daren came to church so success! This
family is literally THE COOLEST! And Emi has another son who's been in
Atlanta all summer because her siblings live there and he comes home
this week! His name is Joseba and he's actually the person we
contacted 3 months ago and gave us the direction of his house and
stuff. So I'm excited to get to teach him!!
So other than our super cool Columbian investigators there isn't too
much to say. We still have a bunch of futures that we need to follow
up on. We taught these women from Ecuador and one of them fell asleep
during the lesson. Felt the spirit so strong haha. It was funny
because her neck was all kinked back with her mouth wide open hahah.
Cuídese mucho!
Elder Stephens
investigators this week and we saw them every single day this week!
Monday after I finished writing they invited us to go to the Almería
Fería to eat lunch like I said last week and it was way cool because
they invited the Hermanas as well and they paid for all of our
food!!.. Food at the Fería is super expensive so I was
greatful/surprised that they would do that, but it was so fun that
they invited to eat some "tapas"! Then Monday night we had a family
home evening with some members from Ecuador and brought them! Tuesday
night we went and taught Daren (Rosario's kid), Wednesday they came to
English class, Thursday they invited us to eat and they cooked this
chicken soup called Sancocho! It was so good then later Thursday we
had another family home evening and brought them to that. It's crazy
because they have literally come to every single thing we've invited
them to do. Friday Emi and her daughter Lina left to England for a
week so I'll see them later this week. I don't know where are their
money comes from but oh well haha. But there was a baptism of an 8
year old Friday and we invited Rosario and Daren to come and they came
and really liked it! Daren wants to be baptized way bad but Rosario
still feels a little unprepared. Then Saturday Rosario invited us
over and I thought it was just going to be a regular lesson but they
were doing a barbecue and put about 10 pounds of meat on a plate and
gave it to me to eat hahah. It was cool because Rosario's brother and
his family plus a family friend were there so we got to meet and talk
with them. Sunday Rosario and Daren came to church so success! This
family is literally THE COOLEST! And Emi has another son who's been in
Atlanta all summer because her siblings live there and he comes home
this week! His name is Joseba and he's actually the person we
contacted 3 months ago and gave us the direction of his house and
stuff. So I'm excited to get to teach him!!
So other than our super cool Columbian investigators there isn't too
much to say. We still have a bunch of futures that we need to follow
up on. We taught these women from Ecuador and one of them fell asleep
during the lesson. Felt the spirit so strong haha. It was funny
because her neck was all kinked back with her mouth wide open hahah.
Cuídese mucho!
Elder Stephens
Hola! What a week for us. So the reason Rosario and Daren didn't come
to church is because she went to the beach with her brother and his
family.... Ugh oh well haha. So Wednesday Elder Chacón left to
Alicante and I started being comps with Elder Lowry. It was awesome
because on Tuesday Emi and Rosario invited us over so Chacón could say
good bye and made us Columbian impinadas! After that our days have
been crazy. Thursday we taught Rosario and Emi and invited Emi to be
baptized but she said she'll need to pray and feel like it's the right
thing to do. It was funny because this lesson was the Plan of
Salvation and Daren (12 year old son of Emi) knew EVERYTHING before we
even taught it. I guess when he came to church they talked about it
in young men's and he remembered it all! He even remembered all the
names of the kingdoms of glory! My comp and I were in awe and he
really is just a straight "maquina" and he's super excited for his
baptism! Rosario (who had a baptismal date) said that she doesn't
feel prepared and needs more time to read and pray before she gets
baptized but it's all good. We taught Emi and her daughter Lina on
Saturday and it went super well!! Her daughter is 18 and we never
really had the chance to teach her she didn't seem like she didn't
have to much interest. But that isn't the case! She is way awesome and
is really receptive. On Sunday Emi and Lina came to church! Rosario
didn't come because she went on a trip to Murcia for the weekend to
see her brother.. But Emi and Lina really liked church!! And today for
p-day they invited us to go see the Feria here in Almería! The Feria
is a special week here in the province of Andulucia and I don't know
to much about it but all the women were these super cool flamenco
dresses haha.
Angel and Maira are still way cool! They said they really like the
church and everything so that's good! They didn't come to church but
they have a lot of potential we taught them last night about receiving
and answer from the Holy Ghost and they said they are going to read
and pray.
Ever since Wednesday we've had a bunch of work! We contacted a bunch
and we walked so much! We have such a big area to cover so we are just
going all over the place haha.
Im súper excited for this transfer! We're going to do a lot of great things!
School is started up again so start hitting the books! Hannah and
Sarah good luck with volleyball! You guys are all-stars!!
to church is because she went to the beach with her brother and his
family.... Ugh oh well haha. So Wednesday Elder Chacón left to
Alicante and I started being comps with Elder Lowry. It was awesome
because on Tuesday Emi and Rosario invited us over so Chacón could say
good bye and made us Columbian impinadas! After that our days have
been crazy. Thursday we taught Rosario and Emi and invited Emi to be
baptized but she said she'll need to pray and feel like it's the right
thing to do. It was funny because this lesson was the Plan of
Salvation and Daren (12 year old son of Emi) knew EVERYTHING before we
even taught it. I guess when he came to church they talked about it
in young men's and he remembered it all! He even remembered all the
names of the kingdoms of glory! My comp and I were in awe and he
really is just a straight "maquina" and he's super excited for his
baptism! Rosario (who had a baptismal date) said that she doesn't
feel prepared and needs more time to read and pray before she gets
baptized but it's all good. We taught Emi and her daughter Lina on
Saturday and it went super well!! Her daughter is 18 and we never
really had the chance to teach her she didn't seem like she didn't
have to much interest. But that isn't the case! She is way awesome and
is really receptive. On Sunday Emi and Lina came to church! Rosario
didn't come because she went on a trip to Murcia for the weekend to
see her brother.. But Emi and Lina really liked church!! And today for
p-day they invited us to go see the Feria here in Almería! The Feria
is a special week here in the province of Andulucia and I don't know
to much about it but all the women were these super cool flamenco
dresses haha.
Angel and Maira are still way cool! They said they really like the
church and everything so that's good! They didn't come to church but
they have a lot of potential we taught them last night about receiving
and answer from the Holy Ghost and they said they are going to read
and pray.
Ever since Wednesday we've had a bunch of work! We contacted a bunch
and we walked so much! We have such a big area to cover so we are just
going all over the place haha.
Im súper excited for this transfer! We're going to do a lot of great things!
School is started up again so start hitting the books! Hannah and
Sarah good luck with volleyball! You guys are all-stars!!
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